Why inhalers remain the best bet for those battling asthma – ET HealthWorld


New Delhi : Many asthma patients hesitate to use inhalers despite their easy availability in the market, owing to the associated stigma and the myth that it could make them dependent on the device, according to medical experts.

“We need to explain to people that asthma is a chronic lung disease and inhalers are the best available medicine for it. There are several myths associated with inhalers. If someone’s health improves, the person tends to stop using it. People fear that once they start, they might continue taking inhalers for the rest of their lives,” said Dr Vikas Maurya, head of department, pulmonology, Fortis.

Another factor causing reluctance, doctors said, is that people assume taking inhalers may be seen as a sign of a “weak person”.

“But that is not the case. It is the same medicine given to any patient, just that the drugs are powdered and put inside an inhaler,” said Dr Neetu Jain, senior consultant, critical care and sleep medicine, PSRI Hospital.

In case of chronic diseases, patients often modify medication as per convenience. This holds true for asthma as well. “If one is not educated about its usage — when and how to take it — one can fail to handle asthma attacks,” said Dr Maurya.

According to Dr Jain, there have been cases where the patient didn’t know how to use the inhaler and kept pressing the same device. “One can often consume too much of the medicine through the mouth, which doesn’t even reach the lungs. Instead of benefitting, the patient ends up facing side-effects,” she said.

Doctors strictly warned against self-medication which, they noted, is seen many times amongst asthma patients. Consumption of oral drugs is also another issue observed in such patients.

“Many people take steroids like betamethasone and face adverse effects. Over time, they suffer from hypertension or diabetes, their skin becomes thin, bones turn weak and sleeping habits are disrupted. Asthma may not be curable, but it’s easily manageable if medicines are taken on time,” Dr Jain said.

Dr Maurya said if oral medicine is taken, the drug gets absorbed in the body and reaches other organs, which can have more side-effects. “In case of inhalation therapy, there is no major side-effect. Rather, it works effectively,” he added.

Another reason why people hesitate to use inhalers, experts said, is that many don’t know how to use it properly. “It is very important that the patient spends some time with the doctor to understand its functioning. The doctor must also explain why one should take an inhaler,” said Dr Jain.

“We have to tell patients that it is not an addictive device. Asthma can be controlled and one can have a good quality of life. In children, the lungs will have proper growth if an inhaler is taken on time,” Dr Maurya said.

“We are able to diagnose more patients and hence the figure (of asthma patients) might be going up. India is a developing country and more construction, along with dust and pollution, leads to lung damage. But the mortality rate has certainly come down in the past few years. Except for senior citizens, mortality owing to asthma is very low in India now,” said Dr Maurya.

  • Published On May 2, 2023 at 03:30 PM IST

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