Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on Wednesday announced thefinal results of the Indian Statistical Service Examination (UPSC ISS 2023) and the Indian Economic Service Examination (UPSC IES 2023). Both these results can be checked on the official website of the commission, upsc.gov.in.

Nikhil Singh has topped the ISSC 2023 examination, followed by Janhavi Patel and Vijay Ladha in second and third places.
In the IES examination 2023, Nishchal Mittal has the top rank, followed by Aditi Jha in the second and Purnima Suden in the third.
In total, 18 candidates have been recommended by the commission for the IES and 33 for the ISS.
The final results have been prepared on the basis of the written examination held from June 23 to 25 and interviews/personality tests from December 18 to 21.
The results of three candidates in the IES and four in the ISS are provisional, the commission said. Roll numbers of those candidates have been mentioned in the notification.
“The offer of appointment to the candidates whose result has been kept provisional will not be issued till the Commission verifies the original documents awaited from such candidates and till clarifies the provisional status of these candidates. The provisionality of these candidates will remain valid only for a period of three months from the date of declaration of Final result. In case the candidate fails to submit the requisite documents as required by the Commission within this period, their candidature will be cancelled and no further correspondence would be entertained in this regard,” the commission said.
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