Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has issued admit cards for the Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services Mains examination (called UPPSC PCS 2023). Candidates can go to uppsc.up.nic.in to download the document.

Here is the direct link to download UPPSC PCS Mains admit card 2023.
A candidate has to enter his/her registration number, date of birth, gender and the auto-generated verification code to download UPPSC PCS admit cards.
How to download UPPSC PCS admit card 2023
- Go to the website uppsc.up.nic.in.
- On the home page, open the link ton download admit cards. The link has been provided above.
- Enter the required login credentials.
- Submit and download your admit card.
The commission had announced in June results of the preliminary examination.
As per data shared by the commission after the preliminary examination, the test was held for 5,65,459 candidates who had applied online.
However, a large number of candidates had skipped the test and only 3,45,022 had appeared in the preliminary exam.
Of them, a a total of 4,047 candidates had qualified and are eligible to write the main examination.