रेडीमेड सोया चाप आपको भी पसंद है तो खाने का जानें नुकसान

[ad_1] रेडीमेड सोया चाप आपको भी पसंद है तो खाने का जानें नुकसान [ad_2] Source link

रेडीमेड सोया चाप क्यों खाने से बचाना चाहिए, जानें इसे घर में कैसे बनाएं

[ad_1] चाप का नाम सुनते ही मुंह में पानी आ जाता है. यह एक ऐसा स्नैक है जो हम सभी को बेहद पसंद है. चाप कई लोगों का शाम का नाश्ता होता है. यह शाकाहारियों के लिए भी चिकन का अच्छा विकल्प माना जाता है. अपने लजीज स्वाद के कारण चाप को बहुत पसंद किया … Read more

Vegan Revolution: How Indian Youth Are Making Plant-Powered Choices The New Cool!

[ad_1] Vegan food is on the rise in India, and the youth are leading the charge. This is the fact that came out from a recent all-India survey. The survey brought out very clearly that as the youth of India continue to prioritize their well-being and align their values with sustainable and ethical choices, the … Read more

Turning Vegan? 5 Easy Steps To Gradually Transform Your Plate And Lifestyle

[ad_1] At a time when everybody is conscious about what they are consuming, Veganism has emerged as a healthy lifestyle option that many are turning to. Traditionally, Indian cuisine is rich in plant-based foods which might make it easier for you to make a lifestyle transition. Transitioning to veganism is more than just dietary change, … Read more

Feeding Change: How Plant-Based Diets Are Revolutionizing Our World

[ad_1] Picture India – a canvas painted with diverse cultures, traditions, and a spiritual vibe that seeps into every plate. For aeons, the concept of ‘Ahimsa’ has woven a thread between what we eat and the world we live in. But today, our relationship with food is at a crossroads, and the tale it whispers … Read more

Shaka Harry’s Frozen Offerings Elevate Your Snacking Game with a Green Touch

[ad_1] In the ever-evolving landscape of culinary innovation, Shaka Harry, a Bangalore-based retail startup brand, has taken a bold stride to tantalize our taste buds with a remarkable range of frozen plant-based products. This delightful line-up, consisting of an array of items, promises to revolutionize the way we indulge in our favourite snacks. Rooted in … Read more

Watch: We Found The Easiest Almond Milk Recipe For You To Try- Check Out!

[ad_1] In the quest for a healthy life, most of us opt for gruelling workouts and strict diets. However, we often ignore some staple ingredients that are a part of our daily diet like milk. From tea to curries, milk is a part of various dishes across cuisines. It’s time to bid farewell to those … Read more