5 reasons to explore the UK for a future in the creative arts

[ad_1] In the realm of creative arts, the UK has stood as a cornerstone, nurturing and producing globally acclaimed artists across diverse disciplines for centuries. Artists like David Bowie, Adele, and the Beatles revolutionised music while directors like Alfred Hitchcock and Christopher Nolan reshaped the cinematic landscape. (Unsplash) Artists like David Bowie, Adele, and the … Read more

University of Sheffield invites applications for its MSc course in Molecular Medicine

[ad_1] Admissions are open at the University of Sheffield, UK, for its MSc course in Molecular Medicine starting in September 2024. After all other teaching has been completed, students will spend 20 weeks working full-time, with individual supervision, on their choice of research project from an available list.(Handout) According to a press release by the … Read more

University of Sheffield invites applications for MSc Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine course 2024

[ad_1] Admissions are open at The University of Sheffield, UK for its MSc Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine course which starts in September 2024. This MSc program is designed to understand how stem cells can be manipulated and engineered to regenerate lost tissues and develop unique treatments. (Handout) According to a media release by the … Read more

The University of Sheffield invites applications for MSc Human and Molecular Genetics course

[ad_1] The University of Sheffield, UK is inviting applications for its MSc Human and Molecular Genetics course starting in September 2024. The course Sheffield Diagnostic Genetics Service was designed in collaboration with the NHS and is for students who are fascinated by medical genetics.(Handout) According to a press release by the University of Sheffield, the … Read more

Do you plan to study abroad? Here are some points to keep in mind if studying overseas is your dream

[ad_1] As the number of students choosing to study abroad rises, we are seeing a shift in the reasons why they are doing so. Being part of the industry for a long time now, I see that while traditional motivations such as a fruitful career and multicultural experiences remain strong, students are drawn to new … Read more

UK keen on welcoming IIT to set up offshore campus, say British officials

[ad_1] The UK is keen on welcoming an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) to set up an offshore campus in the country and some UK universities are already in talks with IITs to explore the possibility, according to top British government officials. Two IITs have already announced setting up their offshore campuses and have signed … Read more

सरकारी नौकरी पाने का बढ़िया मौका, ये उम्मीदवार कर सकते हैं आवेदन

[ad_1] UKPSC EO & Tax and RI Recruitment 2023: उत्तराखंड लोक सेवा आयोग (UKPSC) ने एक भर्ती नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है. जिसके लिए उम्मीदवार आधिकारिक वेबसाइट psc.uk.gov.in पर जाकर आवेदन कर सकते हैं. उम्मीदवार इस अभियान के लिए 18 सितंबर 2023 तय की गई है. इस अभियान के लिए उम्मीदवार यहां दिए गए स्टेप्स की … Read more

Shrewsbury School UK collaborates with JSW Society to establish first campus in India

[ad_1] Shrewsbury School UK has collaborated with Jagran Social Welfare Society to establish its first campus in India. The first campus of the school will be built in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Shrewsbury School UK collaborates with JSW Society to establish first campus The school launch ceremony took place on Thursday, August 24 in New Delhi. … Read more

एरिस के बाद अब कोविड के नए वैरिएंट BA.2.86 को लेकर WHO ने जारी किया एलर्ट, कहा- यह पहले से ज्या

[ad_1] एरिस के बाद अब कोविड के नए वेरिएंट ओमिक्रॉन बीए.2.86 को लेकर ‘वर्ल्ड हेल्थ ऑर्गेनाइजेशन’ ने चिंता जताई है. ‘वर्ल्ड हेल्थ ऑर्गेनाइजेशन’ ने कहा है कि यह कोरोना के बाकी दूसरे वेरिएंट से ज्याद म्यूट है. BA.2.86 ओमिक्रॉन के BA से है. इसका पहला केस इज़राइल में पाया गया था. अब तक यह केवल … Read more

कोविड जैसी महामारी का खात्मा करेगी ये ‘सुपर लैब’, महज 100 दिन में मिलेगी वैक्सीन!

[ad_1] <p><strong>UK Super Lab:</strong> दुनिया ने कोविड महामारी की वजह से हुई तबाही को बखूबी देखा है. किस तरह दुनियाभर में लोगों ने इस वायरस के चलते तड़प-तड़प कर जान गंवाई. ऐसा दोबारा ना हो, ये सुनिश्चित करने के लिए दुनिया के कई मुल्कों में रिसर्च फैसिलिटी तैयार हो रही है. ऐसी ही एक ‘सुपर … Read more