सर्दियों में ऐसे करें मिश्री का इस्तेमाल, सर्दी-खांसी जुकाम रहेगी कोसों दूर

[ad_1] ज्यादातर इंडियन सौंफ के साथ मिश्री खाना खूब पसंद करते हैं. रेस्तरां मे खाना खाने के बाद अक्सर सौंफ के साथ मिश्री दिया जाता है. आपने कभी सोचा है आखिर ऐसा क्यों किया जाता है. हम आपको बताते हैं इसके पीछे का कारण. इंडियन खाने से लेकर पूजा-पाठ में मिश्री का एक अहम रोल … Read more

3 “Forgotten” Winter Foods That Must Add To Your Diet: Nutritionist Shares

[ad_1] Winter is the best time of the year. No, not because it’s the holiday season, but because it is also the time for lip-smacking foods. From til chikki, gur badam patti to undhiyu, sarso ka saag, winter delicacies have a special place in our hearts. They also have amazing health benefits. Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta … Read more

डाइटीशियन ने बताया मिठाई खाने का तरीका और सही समय

[ad_1] Health Tips: डाइटीशियन ने बताया मिठाई खाने का तरीका और सही समय [ad_2] Source link

डाइटीशियन ने बताया मिठाई खाने का तरीका और सही समय, आप भी करें फॉलो नहीं बढ़ेगा मोटापा

[ad_1] दिवाली का त्योहार मीठा खाने के शौकीन लोगों के लिए एक गजब की खुशी है. जिन्हें मिठाई खाना बेहद पसंद है उन्हें एक साथ लड्डू, गुलाब जामुन से लेकर जलेबी, काजू कतली, चॉकलेट वाली मिठाई से लेकर कई तरह के स्वादिष्ट मिठाई खाने का मौका मिल जाए तो फिर क्या कहना है.?लेकिन उन लोगों … Read more

Diwali 2023: Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares 4 Rules For Eating Mithai This Festive Season

[ad_1] The festival of Diwali is a true delight for those with a sweet tooth. It offers a tempting array of treats, from laddu and gulab jamuns to jalebis, kaju katli, assorted chocolates, and countless other delectable sweets. But what about those who are dieting? Worry not, because dietitian Rujuta Diwekar has shared a helpful … Read more

Is Rice Bad For Weight Loss? Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Debunks Common Myths

[ad_1] When it comes to fitness, exercise and diet go hand in hand. We have all surely come across people who eliminate rice from their diets as soon as they embark on their weight loss journey. Well, fitness enthusiasts aren’t alone. Most of us have at least once felt guilty about indulging in all-rice dishes … Read more

5 Deep Frying Hacks Every Novice Cook Must Keep In Mind

[ad_1] Are you new to cooking? Feeling overwhelmed by the array of cooking techniques? Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this. We’ve all been in your shoes at some point, and with time, dedication, and persistence, cooking skills can be honed. The key is to stay calm and grasp the techniques, and everything else will … Read more

Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares Monsoon Food Guide To Strengthen Immunity

[ad_1] We absolutely love the idea of relishing fried pakode (fritters) with a hot cup of tea while enjoying the rain. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the monsoon season comes with its own set of health concerns. While building immunity has been one of the top health goals, the monsoon tends to hamper … Read more