Navratri 2023: Can We Drink Coffee During Navratri Fast (Vrat)?

[ad_1] Sharad Navratri 2023 begins today (October 15, 2023). The nine days of festivities of Navratri worship various incarnations of Goddess Durga and celebrate the triumph of good over evil. This is also the time when devotees observe a period of fasting, following a restricted diet to cleanse the body and also prepare it for the … Read more

Navratri 2023: Spices You Can And Cannot Have During Navratri Vrat (Fast)

[ad_1] Navratri2023 is here and the festive vibe is hard to miss. Navratri is celebrated to worship the nine divine forms of Goddess Durga. Devotees try to please their beloved deity with abundant prayers and offerings. The period of 9 days is considered to be very auspicious for Hindus. Some devotees also observe ritualistic Navratrifasts, where they eat … Read more

Navratri 2023: What Vegetables to Eat and What to Avoid While Fasting

[ad_1] Navratri is known to be one of the biggest Hindu festivals, which also marks the beginning of a string of festivities including Dussehra and Diwali. With this, the devotees of Goddess Durga have started their nine-day Navratri fasting ritual as well. While some devotees may observe a fast for all nine days or choose to … Read more

Navratri Fasting Rules: 8 Fasting Rules You Should be Following

[ad_1] Navratri is a Hindu festival dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine avatars. There are actually four navratris in an year, but only two of them: Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri are celebrated widely across the country. Chaitra Navratri is celebrated in the Hindu month of Chaitra that falls at cusp of spring and … Read more

17 Best Navratri Vrat Recipes | Popular Fast Recipes | Easy Vrat Recipes

[ad_1] Navratri 2023 Vrat Recipes- It is that time of the year again when idols of goddess Durga are decorated with kumkum, bangles, flowers, and jeweled attires. Morning prayers are offered accompanied by synchronised bells.The aroma of pure butter or desi ghee delicacies fill up the space. Navratri, one of the biggest Hindu festivals is celebrated twice a … Read more

नवरात्र: जिन लोगों के व्रत है… वो रात में ना खाएं ये चीजें! अगले दिन लगेगी ज्यादा भूख

[ad_1] Navratri Vrat Diet: देश भर में शक्ति की प्रतीक कही जाने वाली मां भगवती के लिए नवरात्र महोत्सव (Navratri 2023)आरंभ हो गया है. इस दौरान नौ दिनों तक भक्त मां के विभिन्न स्वरूपों की पूजा करेंगे और व्रत आदि करेंगे. अगर आप भी मां भगवती के लिए नौ दिन के व्रत कर रहे हैं … Read more

Sharad Navratri 2023: Best Restaurants To Enjoy Navratri-Special Thali Across India

[ad_1] Sharad Navratri 2023 is just around the corner. The atmosphere is already filled with excitement as devotees are eagerly waiting to celebrate this auspicious festival. It is celebrated over a period of nine days, during which many people observe fasts and visit temples to pay respect to Goddess Durga. During this time, there are … Read more

इस बार नवरात्रि में जमकर खेलिए डांडिया, वेट लूज करने के साथ साथ मिलेंगे ये जबरदस्त फायदे

[ad_1] Dandiya Benefits: देश भर में रविवार से नवरात्रि (navratri 2023)का त्योहार शुरू हो रहा है. एक तरफ जहां भक्त मां दुर्गा की नौ दिनों तक पूजा और आराधना में लीन रहेंगे वहीं जगह जगह पर डांडिया रास (dandiya raas)की धूम मचेगी. डांडिया रास वो डांस है जिसमें देवी की आराधना में भक्त हाथ में डांडिया … Read more