What Is Binge Eating Disorder? 6 Ways People With Eating Order Can Manage Weight

[ad_1] There are various disorders associated with eating. One of them is binge eating disorder (BED), a serious mental health condition that is characterized by recurrent episodes of consuming large quantities of food, often accompanied by feelings of loss of control, shame, and guilt. Unlike other eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, individuals … Read more

इमोशनल इटिंग और माइंडफुल इटिंग क्या है? जानें अच्छी आदत कौन सी है

[ad_1] इमोशनल इटिंग और माइंडफुल इटिंग क्या है? जानें अच्छी आदत कौन सी है [ad_2] Source link

Just Healthy Food Is Not Enough; Focus On Mindful Eating For Good Health

[ad_1] Stop whatever you are doing and take a nice, long, deep breath. Pause, relax and just be. How do you feel? If the answer is something like peaceful, happy, or relieved, you just experienced a moment of mindfulness. The Harvard School of Public Health defines mindfulness as “an intentional focus on one’s thoughts, emotions, … Read more

इमोशनल इटिंग और माइंडफुल इटिंग में क्या अंतर है? दोनों में से क्या है बेहतर

[ad_1] <p>खाना हमारे जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है, लेकिन कभी-कभी हमारे खाने की आदतें हमारी भावनाओं से प्रभावित होती हैं. "इमोशनल इटिंग" और "माइंडफुल इटिंग" दो ऐसे शब्द हैं जो हमारे खाने के तरीके को बताते हैं, पर दोनों के बीच में बड़ा अंतर है. इमोशनल इटिंग में, लोग अपनी भावनाओं, जैसे कि तनाव, … Read more

What Is A Buddha Bowl? Here’s How To Make This Nutrient Rich Meal Bowl

[ad_1] In the recent times, Buddha Bowls have surged in popularity. In fact, it has become a staple for several people who want to lose weight or just are health conscious. These colourful and nutrient-rich bowls are perfect if you want to enjoy a variety of flavours and textures in a single meal. For the … Read more

Mindful Eating: How To Enjoy Festivals Without Compromising Your Health

[ad_1] Festivals in India are synonymous with delicious food, and it’s only natural that we tend to indulge in an array of sweet and savoury treats. However, this indulgence often comes at a cost, leading to potential health issues such as weight gain and elevated glucose levels. But fear not, we’re not here to ask … Read more

Nutritionist Shares Simple “Dessert Rules” To Enjoy Sweets In A Healthy Way

[ad_1] Most people enjoy having a sweet treat at some point during the day. Many cannot do without a dessert of some kind after their meals. Others reserve their indulgence for an evening snack or midnight binge. Whatever your preference, you must realize that it is hard to break old habits. We all know that … Read more