अपने वीडियो से महिलाओं को फिट रहने में मदद कर रहे हैं ये इंफ्लूएंसर, तरीका भी है शानदार

[ad_1] Womens Health: महिलाओं के शरीर में समय-समय पर बदलाव होते रहते हैं. ऐसे में उनमें हेल्थ अवेयरनेस होना जरूरी होता है. हालांकि, आज भी हमारे आसपास ज्यादातर लोग महिलाओं में होने वाले इस बदलाव और पीरियड्स के दर्द पर ज्यादा ध्यान नहीं देते हैं. अगर इन समस्याओं पर महिलाओं से बात न की जाए … Read more

Crypto Billionaire, Missing For A Week, Found Chopped Up In Suitcase

[ad_1] Fernando Perez Algaba had been staying in Argentina for a week before his alleged murder. Fernando Perez Algaba, the cryptocurrency influencer from Argentina who had been missing for more than a week, was found dead on Wednesday. Police found Mr Algaba’s remains inside a suitcase near a stream in Argentinian capital Buenos Aires, according … Read more

Japanese TV Personality Ruychell Found Dead Aged 27 At Agent’s Office

[ad_1] Ruychell was a longtime advocate for LGBTQ issues in Japan Japanese model, television personality, and LGBTQ influencer Ruychell has died aged 27, BBC reported. The performer, whose real name is Ryuji Higa, was found dead by their manager at the agency’s office in Tokyo. The 27-year-old’s cause of death has not yet been confirmed, but police … Read more