RIISE 2024: IIIT-Delhi set to host Annual Research Innovation And Incubation Showcase on March 15-16

[ad_1] Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi) is all set to host its upcoming flagship event, the Research Innovation and Incubation Showcase (RIISE) 2024, scheduled to be held on March 15th-16th, 2024. Interested individuals who wish to attend the event can register through the official website which is free of charge but mandatory for … Read more

एयर पॉल्यूशन के कारण गले में होने वाले जलन को क्या गुड़ ठीक कर सकता है?

[ad_1] <p style="text-align: justify;">इन दिनों दिल्ली और उसके आसपास की एरिया में एयर पॉल्यूशन ने तबाही मचाकर रखी है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक बाहर निकलने से पहले मास्क जरूर पहने या कोशिश करें कि कम से कम घर से बाहर निकलें. कई लोग पॉल्यूशन से बचने के लिए हर्बल इलाज का सहारा लेते हैं. ऐसा … Read more

”Unsettling And Triggering”: Experts Warn Against TikTok’s Disturbing ‘Fairy Flying’ Trend

[ad_1] Experts have called the trend problematic TikTok is no stranger to dangerous viral trends. Another disturbing trend called #FairyFlying has raised concerns among health experts in the US who believe that it promotes suicidal tendencies. According to New York Post, the trend inspired by mythical creatures, involves users posting videos of themselves seemingly hanging … Read more