Beetroot Curd Rice: A Refreshing And Flavourful Dish Perfect For Cooling Down This Summer

[ad_1] Curd rice is a beloved favourite during the summer months. It’s super light on the stomach and helps cool our body from within. While it is a staple in South India, it has now become popular in other parts of the country as well. Now, you must’ve tried the regular curd rice several times, … Read more

Masaba Gupta’s “5:30 PM Lunch Or Dinner” Pick Is A Summer Treat For Rice Lovers

[ad_1] Masaba Gupta is one B-town celeb who never ceases to inspire us with her healthy eating goals. Her foodie adventures are always a treat for all who prioritise fitness. And her latest pick for her late lunch/early dinner was no different. Masaba on Wednesday, March 27, dropped a picture of her meal on her … Read more

Vaani Kapoor’s Bangalore Food Adventure Sparks Serious Cravings

[ad_1] Indian food has a global fan base, and celebrities are no exception. Whether it is the aromatic spices, flavourful curries, or diverse array of dishes, Indian cuisine has a universal appeal. Celebrities often express their love for Indian food, sharing their culinary adventures on social media, and recently, Vaani Kapoor did just that. She … Read more

बासी दही-चावल खाने के यह है गजब के फायदे, वजन से लेकर पाचन तक को रखता है दुरुस्त

[ad_1] फरमेंटेड दही चावल भारत में कई संस्कृतियों का एक फेमस फूड रेसिपी है. यह अपने अलग स्वाद और मलाईदार रेसिपी के कारण इसकी एक खास पहचान है. साथ ही साथ इसे स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी काफी ज्यादा फायदेमंद माना जाता है. आज हम इस आर्टिकल के जरिए इसके फायदो के बारे में बात करेंगे.  … Read more