From Sri Lanka To Your Kitchen: Try This Quick And Tasty Coconut Sambal Recipe

[ad_1] The weekend is right here, and so are our cravings for all things delicious. It’s a time when we feel like pampering ourselves and fulfilling our deepest foodie desires. While some prefer to stick to their all-time favourite dishes, others are up for experimenting. If you fall into the latter category, keep reading as … Read more

Don’t Throw Away Those Coconut Shells! 5 Surprisingly Ways To Reuse Them At Home

[ad_1] A sustainable lifestyle involves following social behaviours and lifestyle choices that minimize environmental degradation. This concept has given birth to a new perspective of looking at waste management. As we work in the kitchen, we are bound to produce biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste daily. However, with a sustainable lifestyle, you can find new and … Read more

कच्चा नारियल है सेहत के लिए वरदान, खाने पर मिलेंगे ढेर सारे फायदे और वजन भी होगा कम

[ad_1] Coconut Benefits: कच्चा नारियल (Raw coconut)अपने गुणों के चलते सेहत के लिए वरदान कहा गया है. आप इसे किसी भी मौसम में खाएंगे तो आपको सेहत संबंधी ढेर सारे लाभ मिलेंगे. खासकर सर्दियों में कच्चा नारियल शरीर को भरपूर पोषण देता है क्योंकि इस सीजन में शरीर को ज्यादा एनर्जी की जरूरत होती है. कच्चे … Read more

खाना बनाने के लिए नारियल तेल हेल्दी है या नहीं? जानें इसके साइडइफेक्ट्स

[ad_1] <p>कुछ सालों से नारियल तेल ने हेल्थ के हिसाब से काफी ज्यादा लोकप्रियता हासिल की है. कई रिसर्च में यह बात सामने आई है कि इसमें भरपूर मात्रा में हेल्दी फैट और अन्य पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं. फिर भी, यह सवाल अक्सर उठता है कि नारियल का तेल उतना स्वास्थ्यप्रद है या नहीं, … Read more

Fan Ordered 51 Coconuts On Swiggy, Hoping For India’s Triumph In The World Cup

[ad_1] Yesterday’s World Cup Final between India and Australia was undoubtedly a heartbreaker for fans. Inside and outside the stadium, millions rallied behind the men in blue. Unfortunately, victory slipped away as Australia claimed the trophy. Nevertheless, fans spared no effort in supporting their team. In a unique show of solidarity, one individual ordered 51 … Read more

Viral Video Shows How Ropes Are Made From A Part Of Coconuts, Gets 26 Million Views

[ad_1] Sustainability has become an integral part of our daily lives, with more people embracing eco-friendly choices to reduce their environmental impact. One remarkable example of sustainability is coconut, a ubiquitous and versatile natural resource. Coconuts are commonly found in many parts of the world, and they offer a multitude of sustainable applications. From the … Read more

What To Do With Leftover Coconut From Festive Puja? 7 Uses That Will Amaze You

[ad_1] In India, almost every auspicious occasion is celebrated with coconut. Also called “Sirphal” which means “God’s fruit”, it is believed to be a symbol of prosperity. This reverence for the coconut stems from its incredible nutritional value and life-sustaining properties. Its tough outer shell shields it from germs and the kernel is a rich … Read more

Diljit Dosanjh Is Back With His Cooking Diaries, This Time It’s A Unique Chicken Curry

[ad_1] Diljit Dosanjh is back again with his cooking diaries, and the wait was honestly worth it. While unconventional food pairings are taking over the Internet, Diljit has also stepped up his game. He prepared a unique coconut chicken curry and shared the step-by-step process of the dish on his Instagram Stories. Although he encountered … Read more