सरकार ने कोविन से डेटा लीक के दावों को किया खारिज, पोर्टल को बताया सुरक्षित | 10 बड़ी बातें

[ad_1] CoWIN Data Leak News: कोविड वैक्सीनेशन (Covid Vaccination) की पोर्टल कोविन (CoWIN) से डेटा लीक होने की खबरों को लेकर सोमवार (12 जून) को दिन भर हलचल रही. केंद्र सरकार ने कोविन पोर्टल से डेटा लीक होने के दावों को शरारतपूर्ण बताते हुए खारिज कर दिया. इस मामले को लेकर राजनीतिक बयानबाजी भी हुई … Read more

CoWIN Data Breach: Government Responds, Says no Direct Breach of CoWIN

[ad_1] The government on Monday responded to reports of an alleged data breach of the CoWIN database, stating that the data appeared to have been sourced from a different database containing information stolen in the past. The response follows reports that an automated bot on Telegram was surfacing personal details of people who had registered … Read more

Daam Android Virus That Steals Call Logs, History Spreading, CERT-in Warns

[ad_1] An Android malware called ‘Daam’ that infects mobile phones and hacks into sensitive data like call records, contacts, history and camera has been found to be spreading, the national cyber security agency has said in its latest advisory. The virus is also capable of “bypassing anti-virus programs and deploying ransomware on the targeted devices”, … Read more