After Withdrawal From Black Sea Grain Deal, Russia’s New Offer To Africa

[ad_1] Putin promised to send grain to six African countries. Moscow, Russia: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday offered free grain to six poor African countries as he launched a summit with leaders from the continent days after withdrawing from the Ukraine grain export deal. The two-day summit in Putin’s native Saint Petersburg is being … Read more

‘Many May Die’ Due To End Of Black Sea Grain Deal, Warns UN

[ad_1] Russia quit the Black Sea grain deal on Monday. United Nations:  The spike in grain prices in the days since Russia quit a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of Ukraine grain “potentially threatens hunger and worse for millions of people,” the United Nations’ aid chief told the Security Council on Friday. Russia … Read more

Explained: Why Putin Considering Withdrawing From Black Sea Grain Deal?

[ad_1] Putin said he would discuss the future of the grain deal with visiting African leaders on Saturday. Moscow: President Vladimir Putin said this month that Russia was considering withdrawing from the Black Sea grain deal as he accused the West of cheating Moscow because it still faced obstacles getting its own agricultural goods to … Read more