एमबीए के बाद छात्रों में AI स्किल सीखने की ज्यादा डिमांड, स्टडी सर्वे में हुए खुलासा

[ad_1] GMAC Survey Report: पिछले कुछ वक्त से एआई यानी आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस का नाम दुनिया में खूब गूंज रहा है. एआई लोगों की हर जरूरत के हिसाब से मददगार साबित हो रहा है. एआई की मदद से कई सारे टेक्नोलॉजी से जुड़े काम डेटा बेस्ड काम काफी आसान हो गए. इसलिए अब एआई की स्किल्स … Read more

IIT JEE aspirant’s 19.5-hour study schedule goes viral, sparks debate on academic pressure – ET HealthWorld

[ad_1] New Delhi: Recently a post on the rigorous study schedule of an IIT-JEE aspirant went viral on X (formerly Twitter). The post shared by one Mr. Rc, a friend of the aspirant, reveals that the aspirant allots only 4.5 hours for sleep. This post prompted mixed reactions from social media users, including alumni of … Read more

This country wants people aged 40 and above to go back to university. Know why

[ad_1] Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a skill for the future— it is happening right here, right now, necessitating skill updates for workers in every industry. Though it is still a matter of debate if AI will completely replace human labour, Singapore seems to realise before most of the other countries that it … Read more

International Women’s Day 2024: How working women are scripting flexible futures

[ad_1] When 18-year-old Krishana Chhokar completed 12th standard last year, she didn’t want to go down the “traditional theory route,” with three years of college, followed by a job. Flexibility has emerged as a top priority for Indian women in the workforce, not just in how they learn, but also how they work.(Pixabay) She wanted … Read more

Meet Iris, the new favourite teacher of students at a Kerala school: She is AI generated and has host of features!

[ad_1] At a time when the power of artificial intelligence is soaring high, a school in Kerala has made history by taking the benefits of AI a notch higher. The KTCT Higher Secondary School in Trivandrum has introduced its first generative AI teacher, Iris that has been developed in collaboration with Makerlabs Edutech Private Limited. … Read more

अब स्कूल में भी पढ़ाएगी AI टीचर, भारत में पहली बार होगा ऐसा, कैसे होगी पढ़ाई?

[ad_1] Artificial Intelligence Teacher: आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस का फील्ड लगातार तरक्की कर रहा है. आए दिन इस फील्ड में नए-नए बदलाव हो रहे हैं. भारत में भी इस फील्ड में लगातार तरक्की हो रही है. अब भारत में भी एजुकेशन के फील्ड में आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस का यूज हो रहा है. इसी क्रम में अब केरल पहला … Read more

5 शानदार कोर्स जिन्हें करने के बाद आप कमाएंगे पैसा ही पैसा, जानें

[ad_1] Top 5 Courses: 5 शानदार कोर्स जिन्हें करने के बाद आप कमाएंगे पैसा ही पैसा, जानें [ad_2] Source link

Making classrooms smarter: Decoding the 5 ways how technology is improving learning experiences in 2024

[ad_1] Of the many things that have happened in the last decade, the advancements in technological innovations have been truly rewarding. Tools like Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Cloud storage have unleashed their power in almost every sector of the world. From education to governance, each strata of society is using technology and moving forward. Many … Read more

IIT Madras students host 25th edition of Shaastra, many events on new-age tech planned for silver jubilee celebrations

[ad_1] Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras students are hosting the 25th edition of Shaastra, the largest student-run, annual techno-entertainment festival in India, from January 3rd to 7th 2024. Students of IIT Madras all set to host 25th edition of Shaastra According to a press release issued by IIT Madras, the Silver Jubilee edition will … Read more

LTTS, Nvidia to develop AI-based architecture for medical devices – ET HealthWorld

[ad_1] Representational image L&T Technology Services Ltd (LTTS) has collaborated with Nvidia to develop AI-enabled, software-defined architectures for medical devices focused on endoscopy, which will enhance the image quality and scalability of products, the engineering services company has said in a regulatory filing. The solution aims to solve industry-wide challenges of availability, cost, and dependencies … Read more