Rehabilitation robots play a big role in better recovery and relief – ET HealthWorld


By Dr. Deep Seth

Surgical and rehabilitation robots are making a positive difference in the healthcare industry. Surgical robotics have evolved since the introduction of Da Vinci‘s surgical robots in 2000, and these systems have numerous advantages over traditional surgical methods. Surgical robotics is an advanced technological system designed to help healthcare professionals and physicians perform various types of surgical procedures with greater precision and control. It also enhances visualisation by integrating high-definition cameras and other advanced imaging technologies, giving physicians a more detailed and accurate view of the surgical site and allowing them to be more informed during surgery. Robotic surgical systems are minimally invasive; they help reduce patient trauma, minimise pain and discomfort, and speed up the recovery process. Robotic surgery can often help reduce hospital stays, reduce healthcare costs, and improve patient outcomes. Overall, surgical robotics has revolutionised the way medical professionals approach surgery, enabling them to perform complex procedures with greater precision, efficiency, and safety.In addition to surgical robots, recovery robots also play a very important role in recovery and assist patients with enhanced treatment and possible manual therapy. Patients with paralysed arms or legs due to stroke or similar conditions can benefit from robot-assisted rehabilitation, resulting in better recovery and relief. Similarly, amputees or patients suffering from missing limbs can also benefit from robotic limb prostheses. These robotic limbs can perform almost the same functions as natural limbs. Prosthetic limbs are artificial limbs designed to replace missing or damaged limbs. They can be powered by motors and controlled by sensors, allowing people to perform various movements and functions. Lower-limb exoskeletons are one of the best examples of rehabilitation robots. These robotic devices are designed to help people with lower-limb paralysis or weakness get up and walk. They work by supporting the wearer’s weight and providing motor assistance to the legs, allowing them to take steps and navigate the environment. Similarly, upper extremity rehabilitation robots are designed to help people with upper extremity paralysis or weakness regain strength and arm strength. They typically have robotic arms that can be programmed to provide specific exercises and movements tailored to the needs of the individual. Patients who use gait correction may have received therapy with gait training robots after an accident or for some other reason. These devices are designed to help people with gait disturbances improve their walking habits and regain their ability to walk. They can provide feedback on the wearer’s gait and provide assistance and support to improve posture and balance. Another category is wheelchair robotic arms designed to help people with upper-limb paralysis or weakness perform everyday tasks that require reaching, grasping, or manipulating objects. A robotic arm can be mounted on a wheelchair, allowing the user to control it with a joystick or other input device. In general, rehabilitation robots help disabled or injured people regain their physical abilities and improve their quality of life. These devices constantly evolve and improve, and they hold great promise for the future of healthcare and rehabilitation.

One potential disadvantage of exoskeletons in terms of treatment costs is their relatively high cost compared to traditional rehabilitation methods. Exoskeletons are complex devices that require a high degree of engineering and technology and can be expensive to manufacture and maintain. Exoskeleton costs can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the specific device and the level of customization desired for the individual user.

Another potential drawback is that exoskeletons may not be covered by insurance or other medical plans. This poses an economic barrier to treatment and may limit the potential for this technology to become available to those who need it. Finally, exoskeletons require specialised training and support for use, which can increase the overall cost of treatment. The device must be customised and adjusted to the individual user and may require ongoing support and maintenance to keep the exoskeleton working properly. Despite these potential drawbacks, exoskeletons show the potential to improve mobility and quality of life for individuals with paraplegia or weakness. As technology advances and becomes more widely available, the cost of treatment may become more manageable, making the benefits of exoskeletons more accessible to those who need them.

Dr Deep Seth, Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mahindra University.

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  • Published On Jun 3, 2023 at 05:25 AM IST

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