Pondy govt would approve projects for starting new medical colleges by private players: CM – ET HealthWorld


Puducherry, Puducherry Chief Minister N Rangasamy on Thursday said the government would accord approval of projects from private players to start medical colleges in the union territory. Declaring open an expo organised by a private medical college in collaboration with the Puducherry Health Department here, the chief minister said, “There would be no hurdles or delay in getting approval to start medical colleges by private players in Puducherry. If any private entrepreneur arranges for a 25 acre land to start the college, the government would accord speedy approval.”

Stating that students aspiring to do medical courses in Puducherry should face no difficulty in getting seats, he said the government was already extending several facilities enabling them to get medical education.

“Still, the rising demand for medical education could be met if private players came forward with a 25 acre land to start the colleges in Puducherry and the government would accord approval enabling them to start the colleges,” he said.

Rangasamy said that the government was encouraging health tourism and there is a need to provide super specialty hospitals in Puducherry.

The chief minister also paid tributes to the |’dedicated work the doctors and other health personnel’ of the government- run Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute in Puducherry had done during the Covid 19 period saving “a large number of people from the impact of the corona virus.”

  • Published On Oct 6, 2023 at 06:51 AM IST

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