The New India Assurance Company Limited (NIACL) has notified vacancies for the Administrative Officer (Generalist and Specialists) (Scale I) posts. The application process will commence on August 1 and the deadline for the submission of the application form is August 19. Interested candidates can apply through the official website at www.newindia.co.in.

The Phase I online test (Objective) is tentatively slated to take place on September 9 and the Phase II online exam (Objective + Descriptive) will take place on October 8, 2023.
NIACL AO recruitment 2023 vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 450 vacancies of 450 Administrative Officers (Generalists & Specialists) in the Scale I cadre.
NIACL AO recruitment 2023 age limit: The candidate’s age should be between the age of 21 to 30 years as on August 1.
NIACL AO recruitment 2023 application fee: The application fee is ₹100 for SC/ ST / PwBD candidates. For all candidates other than SC/ ST / PwBD the application fee is ₹850.
NIACL AO recruitment 2023: Know how to apply
Visit the official website at www.newindia.co.in
On the homepage, click on the recruitment section
Next, click on the Apply online
Register and proceed with the application
Fill out the application form
Upload all the required documents
Submit the form and take print for future reference.
Candidates can check the detailed notification below.
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