CUET PG 2024 answer key next, 4.62 lakh candidates wrote exam from March 11-28


Around 4,62,603 unique candidates were registered for the Common University Entrance Test for Postgraduate or CUET PG 2024, the National Testing Agency (NTA) said on Friday, a day after the last date of the examination.

CUET PG 2024 answer key soon on (Representational image)(Unsplash)
CUET PG 2024 answer key soon on (Representational image)(Unsplash)

The entrance test for PG courses of central universities and other participating institutions was held on March 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28 in computer-based (CBT) mode. The exam took place in 572 centres located in 262 cities, including 9 cities outside India i.e. Manama, Dubai, Kathmandu, Muscat, Riyadh, Ottawa, Abu Dhabi, Vienna, and Qatar.

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Next, the agency will release CUET PG answer keys, question papers and recorded responses on

“In order to make the system transparent, the Candidates will be given an opportunity to see their responses to the Question Papers and to challenge the Answer Keys. Challenges received online will be placed before the concerned Subject Experts for verification. The result will prepared based on the Final Answer Keys and the same will be declared on the website,” NTA said.

A significant increase in attendance was observed this year. Of the total registered candidates, 75.14 per cent took the test. When the test was held for the first time in 2022, the attendance was 55.13 per cent and it increased to 61.51 in 2023.

This year, each subject of CUET PG was conducted in a single shift which resulted in the conduct of examination in a single phase, NTA said.

Test centre allotment was done in such a way that candidates got centres near their present or permanent address, it added.

This year, 190 universities will use the CUET PG examination in their admission processes. Of these, 38 are central and 38 are state government-run universities, nine are government institutions, and 105 are private and deemed universities.


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