Bihar Police Sub-Ordinate Services Commission has declared BPSSC SI Prelims Result 2023. Candidates who have appeared for the preliminary examination for the post of Sub Inspector in Home (Police) Dept. can check the results through the official website of BPSSC at bpssc.bih.nic.in.

The written prelims examination was conducted in two shifts on December 17, 2023. A total of 660537 candidates registered for the examination, out of which 536754 candidates appeared for the examination. A total of 514996 candidates answer sheets was checked.
All those candidates who have appeared for the examination can check their results by following the steps given below.
Those candidates who have qualified for the prelims examination are eligible to appear for the main examination.
The registration process was started on October 5 and ended on November 5, 2023. This recruitment drive will fill up 1275 posts of Sub Inspector in the organisation. For more related details candidates can check the official website of BPSSC.
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