The Assam CEE 2023 seat allotment results released today, July 20. Candidates can access the Assam CEE 2023 allotment list at cee.dtecounselling.in. To check the results, candidates must enter their roll number and DOB.

Candidates must accept the seat and upload the necessary documents between July 20 and July 23, 2023. Between July 21 and July 26, 2023, shortlisted candidates must report to the appropriate institutes with the original documentation for verification.
The admission Report and Vacancy List Submission by the Respective Institutes to the DTE Office by July 27 and the Vacancy List received from institutes after 1st online counselling will be displayed by July 28.
Visit the official website at cee.dtecounselling.in.
On the homepage, click on Assam CEE 2023 Allotment Portal.
Submit and access the CEE 2023 allotment list.
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