
APPSC Group 2 result 2024 live updates
APPSC Group 2 Result 2024 Live Updates: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) will announce the result of the group 2 preliminary screening test on its official website, psc.ap.gov.in. The exam was held on February 25, and a notification released on the same day informed that the result would be declared in five to eight weeks.…Read More
The provisional answer key of APPSC group 2 exam was released a day after the exam, on February 26, and candidates were asked to raise objections, if any, February 27 and 29.
The exam was held at 1,327 venues located in 24 districts of Andhra Pradesh. The commission said 4,83,525 candidates registered for the examination, of whom 4,63,517 downloaded the hall tickets and 4,04,037 appeared, for an overall attendance of 87.17 percent.
The APPSC group 2 Mains examination is tentatively scheduled for June-July, 2024. Follow this live blog for the APPSC group 2 result link and other updates.
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