APPSC Group 1 Answer Key 2024: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released provisional answer keys of the group 1 services screening test. Candidates who appeared in the APPSC group 1 examination on March 17 can check the answer keys for the forenoon and afternoon shifts on the official website of the commission, psc.ap.gov.in. The direct link and other details are below.

The APPSC has also informed that the encircled options in the answer keys are correct answers. If any candidate wants to file objections against those or against any question asked in the examination, it can be done through the link provided on the website.
It said the objection window will remain active from March 19 to 21.
“Objections would not be accepted through Post/WhatsApp /SMS/ Phone/Individual submissions or any other mode and objections received after due date shall not be considered,” the notification reads.
A total of 1,48,881 candidates had registered for the APPSC group 1 examination, of whom 1,26,068 downloaded the hall tickets or admit cards and 91,463 appeared for the examination. The overall attendance in the examination was 72.55 per cent. The examination was held at 301 venues in 18 districts of Andhra Pradesh.
Ahead of the examination, the APPSC issued a notification saying eight new vacancies have been added to the recruitment drive, which are:
Divisional/District Fire Officers in the State Disaster Response & Fire Service: 1 vacancy
Deputy Registrar in the AP Cooperative Service: 1 vacancy
Municipal Commissioner Grade 2 in AP Municipal Administration Service: 2 vacancies
Mandal Parishad Development Officer in the AP Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Service: 4 vacancies
With this, the total number of vacancies to be filled through the APPSC group 1 now stands at 89.
What’s next?
Next, the commission will review candidates’ feedback, and if it is found valid, the answer key will be revised. The final result of APPSC group 1 screening test will be based on the revised, final answer key.
Here is the direct link to check the APPSC group 1 answer key, notification and raise objections.
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