AIIMS INI-CET Counselling round 2 seat allocation list out at


The second round of seat allocations for the July 2023 session of the Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INI-CET) for admission to the MD, MS, MCh, DM, and MDS programs have been released by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Candidates can check the round 2 results on the official website at

AIIMS INI-CET Counselling round 2 seat allocation list out at
AIIMS INI-CET Counselling round 2 seat allocation list out at

“The candidate will have to go to the allocated Institute by 5.00 PM on Wednesday, the 12th July 2023 with the Offer Letter (downloaded from the MyPage after login at and report in person to the allotted Institute for depositing original certificates OR submit self-attested photocopies of certificates with a Demand Draft (DD) of Rs. 3 Lakhs only (Rupees Three Lakhs only) in the name of the “AIIMS MAIN GRANT ACCOUNT” payable at SBI Ansari Nagar, New Delhi. The DD will be refunded/returned when all original certificates have been deposited within five days” reads the official notification.

On the homepage, click on the “Result of 2nd Round of Online Seat Allocation of INI-CET July 2023 session”

Download and take print for future reference.


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